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2022년 5월 박재영 Essay etc



I. Introduction


  A. Background of Study


  B. Materials and Methods of study


II. What is Blockchain Technology?


 i. Fundamental technologies of blockchain


   A. Transaction


   B. Hash Function

   C. Merkle Tree



   D. P2P Network

ii. Blockchain Technology

 A. Why Blockchain called Blockchain?

 B. History of Blockchain

 C. 1st Generation of Blockchain

 D. 2nd Generation of Blockchain and smart contract







III. Decentralization and Distribution Ledger

   A. What is Decentralization and Distribution Ledger?

   B. Consensus Algorithm

     a. Introduction

     b. Proof of work(PoW)

      (1). What is PoW?

      (2). What is Mining?

      (3). Security of PoW

      (4) Disadvantages of PoW

     c. Proof of Stake(PoS)

      (1). What is PoS?

      (2). Disadvantages of PoS













IV. Usage of Blockchain Technology

   A. Introduction

   B. Digital Currency

   C. Non-Fungible-Token(NFT)

   D. Decentralized Autonomous Organization(DAO)






V. Conclusion




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