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2021.4.14. 수. World History .. 역사, 철학

Tomorrow’s World

Is changing: continuous   Faster: fast(positive)->faster(comparative)->fastest(superlative)

Invention   Bring about: happen   Industrial revolution   In years to come

Positive(good)->Comparative(better)->Superlative(best   Standard of living

Problems facing mankind   poor ->poorer->poorest    Little medical care

A little medical care   Plural form of life -> lives, (-f ->v +es)   comparative

nlightenment Thinking

Jean-Jacques Rousseau [ʒɑ̃ ʒak ʁuso] (1712 –1778)

Discourse on Inequality (人間 不平等 起源論 aka ‘Second Discourse’; 1755)

The Social Contract(社會 契約論; 1762)

Emile, or On Education(1762)

“All people are created equal, and there should be no nobility.

Voltaire (1694 – 1778, Pen name) – His real name is François-Marie Arouet.

  Encyclopédie edited by Denis Diderot and, until 1759, co-edited by Jean le Rond d'Alembert.

Jonathan Swift(1667 – 1745): Anglican cleric

Gulliver's Travels

John Locke(1632 –1704): A Letter Concerning Toleration

  Father of Liberalism

Concept map: conceptual diagram

American Revolution; Declaration of independence of the USA

French Revolution; Storming of the Bastille: 14 July 1789

313 CE. Constantine and Licinius; Edict of Milan

        高句麗 美川王의 樂浪服屬



三圃制度(Three-field system of farming: Wheat or Rye in Autumn and Winter, Peas or beans in Spring. Fallow): 

中世 領主와 農奴들: Feudal lords and serfs


313년 Edict of Milan(Constantine the Great)

낙랑 정복, 한무제의 한사군(낙랑 임둔 진번 현도) 설치

Jonathan Livingston Seagull

Gulliver's Travels(Jonathan Swift)


Amercian Revolution 1776. 7. 4

계몽주의 enlightenment

feudal system 봉건 제도(feudalism)

three-field system 삼포제: 춘경지, 추경지, 휴경지 fallow

manorialìsm 장원제도

공산주의 共産主義, communism

교부敎父, Father of the Church

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland