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國內 및 世界名作 (非小說) 권장도서

國內 및 世界名作 (非小說) 

1. 康有爲大同書

2. 金富軾 - 三國史記

3. 老子 - 道德經

4. 法救(Dharmatrata) - 法句經

5. 墨子

6. 朴殷植 - 韓國痛史

7. 朴齊家 - 北學議

8. 朴趾源 - 熱河日記

9. 司馬遷史記

10. 孫文 - 三民主義

11. 孫子

12. 荀子

13. 申采浩 - 朝鮮上古史

14. 梁啓超中國學術思想之變遷之大勢

15. 柳成龍 - 懲毖錄

16. 李瀷 - 星湖僿說

17. 李重煥 - 擇里志

18. 李滉 - 聖學十圖

19. 一然 - 三國遺事

20. 莊子

21. 丁若鏞 - 牧民心書

22. 朱熹論語, 孟子, 大學, 中庸의 四書集注

23. 崔濟愚 - 東經大典

24. 秋適 - 明心寶鑑

25. 韓非子

26. Aristoteles – Politics

27. Bergson, Henri-Louis - Time and Free Will: An Essay on the Immediate Data of Consciousness (Essai sur les données immédiates de la conscience)

28. Campanella, Tommaso – La citta del sole (태양의 나라)

29. Clausewitz, Carl von – On War(Vom Kriege)

30. Chomsky, Avram Noam - The Responsibility of Intellectuals

31. Cicero, Marcus Tullius – On Duties

32. Darwin, Charles Robert - On the Origin of Species

33. Descartes, René –Discours de la méthode(The Discourse on the Method)

34. Dewey, John - Democracy and Education: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Education

35. Durkheim, David Émile - Suicide (Le Suicide)

36. Frazer, James George - The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion

37. Freud, Sigmund - Introduction to Psychoanalysis (Vorlesungen Zur Einfuhlung in Die Psychoanalyse)

38. Freud, Sigmund - The Interpretation of Dreams (Die Traumdeutung)

39. Fromm, Erich - The Art of Loving

40. Fromm, Erich - Escape from Freedom

41. Fromm, Erich – To have or to be

42. Galilei, Galileo - The Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems

43. Gandhi, Mahatma – Autobiography(The Story of My Experiments With Truth)

44. Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich - Lectures on the Philosophy of History(Vorlesungen über die Philosophie der Weltgeschichte)

45. Heidegger, Martin - Sein und Zeit(Being and Time)

46. Herodotus - The Histories aka. The History

47. Hobbes, Thomas – Leviathan

48. Ibn Khaldun  –Muqaddimah(歷史敍說)

49. Jaspers, Karl Theodor - Philosophy of Existence

50. Jhering. Rudolf von –Geist des römischen Rechts auf den verschiedenen Stufen seiner Entwicklung (로마法의 精神)

51. Jung, Carl Gustav - archetypes and modern mythology

52. Kant, Immanuel - The Critique of Pure Reason (Kritik der reinen Vernunft)

53. Kierkegaard, Soören Aabye - Fear and Trembling (Frygt og Bæven)

54. Kierkegaard, Soören Aabye Philosophical Fragments (Philosophiske Smuler eller En Smule Philosophi)

55. Kierkegaard, Soören Aabye The Sickness Unto Death (Sygdommen til Døden)

56. Lévi-Strauss, Claude - Tristes Tropiques (Sad Tropics)

57. Locke, John – An essay concerning human understanding

58. Lutther, Martin – On the freedom of a Christian

59. Machiavelli, Niccolo – the Prince

60. Malinowski, Bronislaw - Sex and Repression in Savage Society

61. Mannheim, Karl -  Ideologie et Utopie(Ideology and Utopia)

62. Marcuse, Herbert - One-Dimensional Man: Studies in the Ideology of Advanced Industrial Society

63. Marx, Karl – Das Kapital

64. Mill, John Stuart – On Liberty

65. Milton, John – Lost Paradise

66. Monod, Jacques Lucien - Chance and Necessity

67. Montesquieu - Persian Letters

68. Montesquieu - The Spirit of the Laws (De l'esprit des loix)

69. More, Thomas - Utopia

70. Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm - Thus Spoke Zarathustra: A Book for All and None (Also sprach Zarathustra)

71. Pascal, Blaise - Pensées (thoughts)

72. Plato – Euthyphro(에우티프론)

73. Plato – Apology(소크라테스의 辯論)

74. Plato – Crito(크리톤)

75. Plato – Phaedo(파이돈)

76. Plato – The Republic(國家)

77. Popper, Karl - The Poverty of Historicism

78. Rousseau, Jean Jacques – Du contrat social (The Social Contract)

79. Rousseau, Jean Jacques – Emile

80. Russell, Bertrand Arthur William - An Inquiry into Meaning and Truth

81. Russell, Bertrand Arthur William – The History of Western Philosophy

82. Sartre, Jean-Paul - Being and Nothingness: An Essay on Phenomenological Ontology

83. Sartre, Jean-Paul - La Nausee

84. Schumpeter, Joseph Alois - Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy

85. Smith, Adam – An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations

86. Thoreau, Henry David - Resistance to Civil Government

87. Thoreau, Henry David – Walden

88. Tönnies,  Ferdinand - Gemeinschaft und Gesellschaft(Community and Society)

89. Toynbee, Arnold J. - A Study of History

90. Weber, Max - Wirtschaftsgeschichte (General Economic History)

91. Weber, Max - The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism 

제목 등록일
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권장도서 國內 및 世界名作 (非小說) 2020-12-01
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