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선생님 편지


이 노래를 아시나요?

Life Itself Will Let You Know

Charlie :
Are dreams just things
that live inside you
or do these dreams
sometimes come true
and do the grown-ups happen too.

Anthony :
Oh, yes, my son,
that you are just at the beginning
Just follow your dreams
wherever they go.
And life itself will let you know.

(Chorus : I know I'm suffering as you go.)
Charlie :
And who will show me
all the answers?
Will someone help me understand
what will I be
when I don't know.
Anthony :
That no one can tell
Tomorrow is a wishing one.
You've gotta live
each moment everyday.
Charlie :
If I'm stumbling for,
Is there anyone I call.
would you give me your hand
and show me the way.

Anthony :
My son, you are just at the beginning.
Just follow your dreams
wherever they go.
And life itself will let you know.

(Chorus : I know
                I'm suffering as you  go.)
Anthony :
Just think he was right,
Reach out, reach out and take a star.
And every women comes to believe.

Charlie :
I'll call myself far
what takes thus far.
I will begin with me.
I know I'm just at the beginning.
 (Anthony :
  My son, my life is almost over)
I'll follow my dreams
wherever they go.
 (Anthony :
  And yours as only just begun)
And life itself will let me know.
 (Anthony : Just remember, my son,
            I love you)
Chorus :
I know I'm just at the beginning. 
I know my dreams
wherever they go
I know
life itself will let you know 
let you know
let you know

어릴적 이 노래를 듣고 너무나 감동을 받아 멍하니 라디오를 바라만 보고 있던 기억이 나네요...자식과 아빠가 나누는 대화가 너무 좋았었습니다. 그러면서 우리 엄마 아빠는 왜 저렇게 자상하지 않으실까~하고 원망?도 했었습니다...

지금은 인터넷에서 찾으면 금방 들을 수 있지만 그때는 팝송을 좋아하는 친구에게 부탁을 해서 테입에 녹음을 한 다음 들었어요...ㅎㅎ
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