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이번 주 숙제...

오늘은 바쁜 관계로 일단 본문만 올립니다.
시간이 나는대로 해설하겠습니다.
해설 없어도 되는 분들... 이번 주 숙제 하시기 바랍니다.

 You're going to do crisscross stretch. Crisscross what? Yes, your arms. When you crisscross your arms it really doesn’t matter whether you start from the back or from forward.  Today, we are going to take the ‘starting from the back’ version. Firstly, bring your arms back. When you do this you really want to feel the stretch on your shoulders. Now, crisscross your arms forward. Then you’ll feel the stretch in the back of your shoulders. Forward. Feel the stretch towards the back. When you crisscross arms make your right arm over to your left, go back, then left arm over your right. Switch it up like this. Don’t smack your hands together. It can’t give you the right stretch that you want to get on your shoulders. Let’s do this together again. Bring your arms back then crisscross your arms forward. Go back. And crisscross them again switching it up.
This is crisscross stretch.

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