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선생님 편지



계속 올릴려구 했는데..  사진이 첨부가 안되는 관계로 자유 게시판에서 사진첨부가 되도록 먼저 시스템을 고치고.. 그 이후에 차근차근 올릴게여...

오늘은 고대문명을 정식으로 발굴하기 시작한 독일의 Heinrich Schliemann이라는 사람을 잠깐 공부하고 가지요.

Schliemann had spent his childhood in the town of New Buckow in Mecklengurg (in northern Germany, close to Denmark), where his own father, a poor protestant priest, served as his first teacher, until he was nine years old. He planted a warm love of ancient history in his young son’s mind, and taught him a little Latin. Schliemann preferred ancient Greek, and was unhappy that, not knowing any other ancient language, his father could not be of further assistance to him, He learned some ancient Greek later on, while attending the first years of High School. He was soon compelled, however, to interrupt his studies and begin working at a grocery store, at the age of 14. During the interval he spent there, he was able to perfect his knowledge of ancient Greek, to the point, where, according to his autobiography, he was able to recite complete passages from the Illiad, and the Odyssey “in rhyme”. Following an accident he suffered before the age of twenty, he decided to work as a steward on board a ship. The ship was wrecked, however, and Schliemann who, by that time had six languages in his command – having a great facility in learning them effortlessly – worked as a correspondence clerk in the age of 27 he went into business for himself, becoming a prosperous merchant by the age of 47. Having, by then, acquired the necessary capital, a series of excavations served as the start of the realization of his childhood dream. He married a Greek young lady, and settled in Athens, his interests divided between archaeology and trade (the latter served in financing the archaeological excavations he conducted). He died in Naples, on Christmas day of 1890, during a trip he had undertaken.

대단한 사람입니다.

한 번 공부해 보시지요.


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