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선생님 편지


RE:돌아와 달라는 외침에 대하여

What are you talkinng about?
Iadxx01m enjoying whatadxx01s going on these days.

Actually iadxx01m using very easy English.
I very frequently use Korean-style English so that you guys can understand me easily.

Just set your eyes on what Iadxx01m talking about, then youadxx01ll get to know what I mean.

If I canadxx01t make you understood by using English on some special topics,
Iadxx01ll use Korean. In that case my Korean should be very limitedly used though.

Nobody blames me once I use English, and it is good for us between you and me.
영어를 쓰니까... 혼낸다는 소리가 없어서... 서로 좋잖아요...

Moreover you adxx03Honey Beeadxx03 are supposed to understand the English Iadxx01m using,
arenadxx01t you?
거기다... 꿀벌 샌님은.. 이 정도는 다 이해할 정도실텐데... 맞지요?

Stop fretting over these little nuisances.

Isnadxx01t it helpful to your english, though?


Still loving you.
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